Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Living Room

{Her, wrapping presents}

We've spent a lot of time at home this Christmas season.

This past week has been a sweet gift to me.

The kids have been each other's best buddies__ the bickering has been minimal__ the Ninja is finding more and more words everyday and it's making all the difference in his behavior__ and the simplicity of our days has made the stress that sometimes comes with this season at an all time low.
{A hilarious game of twister left the five oldest treasures on the floor with belly aches from laughing so hard.}

{I spend a lot of time with this peaceful gal. Her and I sitting in the rocking chair that the Cowboy bought for me just before she was born.}

{Our slow pace has given everyone time to just be.}

{She loves to be tucked in my lap while I type in this space.}

{There were a few days last week when the temperature here on the farm was so frigid that some of our eggs froze.}



{I heard him giggling from the kitchen. I looked up and saw him sitting on a bucket, soaking up his sister.}

{This girl can sleep anywhere.}

A lot of life happens in a cozy little farmhouse living room. 

I love the time I've been given with this little one and  I'm so thankful to have these days at home with all the folks I love the most.