I had read it on her blog back in 2012... How Christians too, could celebrate with a Passover meal.
And then my sweet friend Sarah throws it out there a few weeks back and the two of us decide to go for it.
So we split up the menu and the things needed for the Sedar plate and we meet up at her house on the Wednesday before Easter (Because that's the night we're both free).

We set a feast on the table and we pass out our guide for the evening's meal and the festivities begin.
We start out reading all together in unison, a prayer of praise to our King. There's a kiddo in the background chanting above the prayer, "More juice please, more juice please!!"
We move on to the matzah, and one kid asks it somewhat to himself, "Why these cracker things?"
It's loud and the baby wants to get down and not eat his carrots. And as this Mama takes that little one out of his chair she whispers silent prayers that the Lord would plant seeds in all the souls around the this table... that the Spirit would do the work that only He can do__
And then we read these words...
“Because tonight we remember Jesus. By whose stripes we are healed. Yeast leavens, or puffs up, as pride and sin inflates our hearts. Tonight we eat unleavened bread, bread without yeast, to remember Jesus who was without sin.”
Yes Lord, THIS. Help us to remember this__ That you are the One and Only that can heal us from our sin.
We taste the herbs.
The kids make funny faces__The Papas actually like the taste of the horseradish__ Someone cracks a joke about matzah and horseradish becoming a new Superbowl appetizer.
There's laughter and joy as we try new things and talk about the why's of this Passover meal.
At the end, we toast around the table to all that Christ has done and we declare it all together...
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him who has set the captives free! The Tomb is Empty! He is Alive! The Lamb has come and taken away the sins of the world!"
And for dessert__ New Life!
It's not always easy to help kids understand the deeper meanings behind the things that we celebrate in our faith. But the sweetest part of all our traditions is that the Lord does the work in their hearts that we can never do. As we explain to them to the best of our ability, HE explains to them to the best of HIS ability, and that's what makes these raising_up_treasures_years so rich. It's all of us__ Mamas, Papas, and kids__ growing up together as the Lord does His thing under each of our roofs. :)