Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Recess W/ The Farmhouse Sisterhood

Today is the Cowboy and my 14th Anniversary. 
He held me long in the kitchen before leaving for work.. I love when he holds me long. :)

Its been a sweet day with the kids at the one-room-school-house. 

The girls asked if I could put the soundtrack from Isabelle on during Recess.

I said sure.

Two minutes later they came downstairs all fancy and stuff.
They turned the music up loud and I captured the two of them with my lens. 
I love the joy of the farmhouse sisterhood...

{I love taking pictures but I don't understand lighting. I LOVE the lighting in these pictures. I wish I knew how and why the lighting was like this in these pictures. I've been working at understanding my camera for the past 6 years. The learning is slow, but fun. And capturing moments, real moments, of my treasures and our life here in this place makes my heart smile. :)}

Its our 14th wedding anniversary.
I love living life with my man... real, messy, stunningly beautiful life. :)