It's my Dad's birthday and the Cowboy's birthday, and at the very end of the week it's our lovely wedding anniversary.
This year, I didn't want to go away for the weekend.
I didn't want to go out to dinner.
I didn't want any gifts that came wrapped in pretty paper.
Since the the very first day we moved into our little farm house nearly two years ago, I've had a little dream. It involves the furnace being ripped out of the wall in our living room. And it involves some screws and a wee bit of time and patience.
And the best part of all, the Cowboy saw my high-tech blueprints, (drawn on construction paper with a blue crayon :) and he said YES, he would build it for me!
Seriously, what a treat! :)
So we're doing it!
And I'll give you a tiny sneak peak...
And this lovely barn wood...
Lord willing...
It's going to be something amazing in our living room soon...
I'm so thankful that our little farmhouse is slowly becoming our own... at least for a season while we're waiting for heaven.
I'm so thankful for twelve years with my Joey.
I'm thankful for his 34 years of life.
I'm thankful for another year with my own Dad, thankful for the many ways he loves on me and our family.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Days here on the farm.