Psalm 103
Praise the Lord, oh my soul; (a definition of soul: mind to think, emotions to respond and a will to choose... in praising Him with my soul, I am submitting my mind, my emotions and my will to whatever pleases Him. Awesome? Yes!)
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, oh my soul,
and forget not all his benefits__
who FORGIVES all your sins (literally meaning, "to show oneself gentle, a lightness, a lifting up." I love how in the listing, forgiveness, "a weight lifted," is mentioned first.:)
and HEALS all your diseases,
who REDEEMS your life from the pit (literally, "the bringing back of purpose, of identity, of love. Like the fatherless child who gets adopted, rescued!" He_Redeems_US! Amazing!)
and CROWNS you with love and compassion, (The word "compassion" used here is a word that is only used in the Bible to describe God, never people. His compassion towards us is far beyond human ability.)
who SATISFIES your desires with good things (The word satisfy, is "ascribed to the soul, and to the eye which is satisfied in seeing." He satisfies our souls in allowing us to see more and more of Himself...)
so that your youth is RENEWED like the eagles. (Each and every year, an eagle receives a brand new set of feathers.The Lord will always renew. He is faithful to make all things new.)
He forgives and heals,
redeems and crowns,
satisfies and renews...
daily, hourly, moment by moment.
He is all these things, in me and through me, without fail. Life can't get much sweeter than that. :)
On the messy days, I need only to think upon all His benefits.