Life brings opportunities.
Those opportunities come and go.
And sometimes we wonder, "Was that the right way? Did we make the right choice? Are we thinking about Him more than we're thinking about ourselves?"
It's strange the way the days turn into weeks, the way time all seems to melt together, the way all these moments that sometimes push in on our thoughts, on our souls, the way it sometimes just all feels so heavy.
It's strange the way I can sometimes carry the weight of things that He wants to carry for me. Things that He has assured me that He has under control... for some reason I still feel the need to control...
"Lord, YOU have assigned me my portion and my cup; YOU have made my lot secure."
I sat in the sunroom on a Saturday morning and asked Him what it is that we're supposed to do with what He's given us in this season.
I sat and asked Him how it is we're supposed to know. How exactly should we move forward without messing everything up, without dishonoring Him in someway or another?
And it rarely happens this way... where I just open the Book and there it is... But on this Saturday morning alone in the sunroom, He leads me to the Psalms.
And in the sixteenth chapter He reminds me that He's got us, He's got the Cowboy and I right where HE wants us...
That the decisions that need making, He's able and willing to lead us right into Himself...
"I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken."
And the weight of it all, it just kinda slips down.
"YOU have made known to me the path of life;
YOU will fill me with joy in YOUR presence,
with eternal pleasures at YOUR right hand."
You, You, You Lord.
It's You who leads me in this life, and not my false sense of control.
The Cowboy and I, we've decided that sometimes the best way to know is to pray for unity, a peace between the two of us, harmony, a oneness.
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:2-3)
And in His faithfulness, that's where The Cowboy and I walked this week. We walked together in unity.
The week is over, the decision is made.
And we're walking in peace. His peace. For He counsels those who have set Him always before them.