I spent the first few years of the treasures lives going to the library and randomly picking stuff off the shelf hoping for something good to read... and most of the time I came up short with some pretty lame books.
But when I started home schooling Siah last year I knew I needed a new plan. When I got online and started looking for good books I felt seriously overwhelmed. But once I stumbled across a few blogs of some women that I've grown a great respect for over the past few years, one link led to another and I am now finding an abundance of quality literature to read throughout these sweet young years with my kids.
Under this farmhouse roof we attempt to read an hour and half each day. It sounds like a lot but spread out amongst the hours, the time flies... and some days we even find that we have gotten so lost in a story, that time itself has also been lost.
Here is another round of great books that we have found ourselves reading over and over again around here. Maybe some of them might become favorites in your home as well?? :)
A very creative, fun way to teach little ones about big powerful words... Words that they will most certainly need for a life of love towards others. We have read this book at least once a week for nearly three years now. It's a keeper. :)
A truly wonderful book that makes this Mama cry EVERY TIME without fail! The story of a girl, her Mama, and her Grandmother who lost everything in a fire. And together they save their spare coins in a jar in hopes that one day they might be able to get a comfy chair... a place where the little girl's hard working Mama can put her feet up at night. You will LOVE this book!!!!!
 This book along with all the other books in this series are all stories that you will love reading with your treasures. This story is about friends who help friends in time of need. The whole series is packed with values and character traits that I'm sure any Mama would love for her little ones to inherit. :) You'll love all the books in this series.
Siah LOVES this book. It's a sweet, rhythmic banter between a dad (or grandpa) and a spunky little girl who brings out the best in him. This would be a great gift for dads and grandpas from a daughter or granddaughter. :) Soak this one up, it's good!

This little book is just how I feel about my spunky little Reesie. Her and I just might be polar opposites and truly she challenges me and encourages me to brave and light-hearted. The little one in this book is full of life and adventure and joy while the parent in this book is full of stability and grace. They both offer one another the best things in life. Love this book.
Most of y'all know how I feel about animals... not my favorite. But this book is all about bats and birds who discover that their differences don't have to come in between their friendships.... That our embracing and actually loving one another's differences help us to be the best us we can be. And would you believe that my eyes got all watery when the Mama bat got attacked by an owl and lost her sweet little Stellaluna?? Weird, I know. :) But truly, this is one great book. :)
A fun little story about a fox who tries to act like a duck, but gets out smarted by a Mama who "really always knew THAT WAS NO DUCK!" Creative, adventuresome, creative and delightful. All FOUR treasures soak up this book. :)
 This series is full of character and humor as a odd-looking, odd-acting penguin named tacky teaches the other birds that he lives with whose names are "Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly & Perfect, that although he might be an odd bird, he's a great bird to have around. :) You'll love any and all the books in this series. :)
And finally...
The Berenstain Bears anything really. These books are AWESOME. Not only do my kids love them but they are packed with character qualities that I love my treasures picking up on. You can't go wrong with this series. I love watching my kids pretend play the Berenstain Bears. The way that the bear cubs talk to their parents, the way they treat their friends, the way that they solve problems and learn life lessons are all things that I love seeing my treasures exemplify. And not to mention that I've picked up on a few of my best parenting tips from Mama Bear herself... seriously I have. :)
Here are a few links to some of the best book lists I have found as well...
Maybe there's a few humble ideas for Christmas here? What better way to bless little ones than to give them the gift of great books?