The past few years of many small children have kept us in a constant search for great new books from our local library. And although we have found baskets full of worthwhile reads, I thought it might be fun to pass along our latest top ten favorites.
Good for ages 3-7. :)
Pickle Chiffon Pie- We love this book!!! It's this fun, creative adventure where kindness wins.
Five Stars From us!!

Wilfred Gordan Mcdonald Partridge- The story of a boy with an extravagant name but who isn't "quite that old either," help his 99-year-old friend find her memory. I read this one to my kids and took a stroll down memory lane one Friday afternoon in hopes that they might have memories of someone they've never actually met.

The Napping House, by Audrey Wood. The kids have this one memorized. It's fun sing song rhythm allows the kids to read along simply by memory. Everyone smiles when we pull this one off the shelf! :)

Miss Rumphis- The tale of a woman who has three goals in life... one of which is to make the world more beautiful. And she accomplishes her goal in an unlikely way.

Blueberries For Sal (and any other book by Robert McKloskey) A little girl picking wild blueberries with her mother, eats most of what she finds and runs into a few bears along the way. We really enjoy this book.

The Little Red Hen- This one is best told on audio. The music brings the story to life. Because of the repetition the kids can recite most of this one by memory as well. There are usually several audio versions available at our local library.

Bread and Jam For Francis- Just a classic. Francis's Mother has a kind creative way of teaching her little Francis important life lessons. And it's fun for the kiddos too! :)

The Quiltmakers Journey by Jeff Brumbeau- An incredible story of a woman who puts others above herself. She's a woman who uses her talents and goes against everything she's ever known, by giving her life to those who have very little.
The Little House (and others by Virgina Lee Burton, like Mike Muligan and His Steam Shovel)-
Just sweet... that's all that need be said. LOVELY! :)

Teddy's Button-- This is the best book for boys that talks about giving our lives to Christ. If you have a little boy who loves swords and leadership and protecting and standing up for what is right... and you want nothing more than for that boy of yours to gain a passion for serving Christ... then get this book! :)
And a bonus book, just for fun.....

Owl Moon- A little girl's adventure with her Papa out into a cool winter night in search for the great Owl. Might even inspire an adventure of your own? :)