My Siah,
Buddy, are you really six years old today??? I remember driving you home from the hospital... Your Papa looked at me in the rearview mirror (I was sitting next to your tiny little figure in the backseat).
"Are you scared?"
"Ya. Are you?"
We had no idea what to do with you as we drove down The 5 on that sunny afternoon in April. But you made things easy for us. You were a mellow baby. And now, six of the fastest years of my life later, you are seriously one of the coolest kids I know. The Lord hooked you up with an unparalleled combination of qualities. You do the kindest things. You watch out for your sisters. Why just tonight, after you finished cleaning up your own room, on your own accord, you went into the girl's room and started helping them put their toys away.
You are the most helpful six year old I know. When the three little kids go down for a rest each afternoon, you offer to help me do housework. What six year old does that? You take out the trash, and unload the dishwasher, you bring the laundry down to the basement and help me put all the clothes away once they're clean.
You're so responsible. Each morning you get yourself up, make your bed, get yourself dressed, and make breakfast for you and your sisters, while Mama feeds the baby.
You're diligent in your school work, rarely ever do you complain. You're gracious with your Mama, as she has muddled her way through school with you this year.
You're a hard worker. When you have free time, you like to shovel the snow and make a path from the side door to the "tree house."
You are so much like your Papa. And since I just happen to think that your Papa is one of the greatest things since sliced bread, you must know how incredibly stoked I am that you are my son. You love to figure things out on your own. You're always building and creating and making nothing into something. I LOVE that about the both of you. :)
Siah, I just love you to pieces. I love celebrating you're birthday. It's one of my favorite days of the year. It's the day that the Lord answered my years of prayers and brought me a son. You tell me often how quickly you're growing. And as much as I miss your chubby little baby legs, and your first toddling steps, I'm even more in love with the little man that you're becoming. Every day is new. You're growing up, but you still find your way into my arms several times a day. I can't wait to see what the Lord has up His sleeve for you as you grow. I'm honored that I get to be a part of each of your moments.
Happy Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!!
With the most love,
Your Mama
Granny and Gramps had a party for the treasures while we were in CA.
Granny made (yes MADE) these awesome cakes for each of them.
We had lunch and played games and got caught up with dear friends.
It was a total blessing!
THanks Granny and Gramps!! :)
Hope you know what a true treasure you really are! :)