I mentioned a few posts ago that my Dad had been in town for a few weeks. He left this past Friday. It was sad to say the least. To be honest I think it might have been the longest stretch of time that we have spent together since I was in high school. I truly enjoyed so many little things...
I loved sharing meals each day with him... Sitting at our kitchen table with all my little treasures... My Dad would say funny things to them and make them laugh... He'd ask Siah about the things he was learning in school... He'd tell stories of when he was young...
I loved that he held my little Jed for countless hours over the past few weeks...

I loved hanging out with our friends with him... He just might kill me once he sees this picture that I'm posting of him with our friend Adam... but I LOVE seeing the joy on his face! I loved watching him laugh and feel so at home with everyone...

I felt overwhelmingly grateful for all the time and work that he put into our little farm the past two weeks to make it feel more and more like home for us... When the temperature was above 50 degrees, you could almost always find him outside working on something...
I loved watching him stroll down our long driveway through the snow with at least one or more of our little treasures in the snow each day...
Here he is with Halee in her "Princess Belle" dress up and her snow coat.
I loved watching the joy creep across his face when he saw the huge dear jump over the fence in our backyard.
I was blessed by his extreme generosity.
I was encouraged by his listening ear. He doesn't talk all that much, but the whole time he was here, he was not only willing but anxious to listen to all that Joey and I are walking through right now.
I had a moment with my Dad last week...
I was in my kitchen, crying to to Lord about some things... I tried to make my tears go away before my Dad walked in the room... but he caught me red-handed... blotchy face and all... He walked up to me and rested his hand on my shoulder...
"What's wrong Kace?"
"You can tell me anything ya know..."
"I know."
He didn't do anything magical to fix it... He didn't say anything profound...
He didn't have to...
I just cried... He just hugged me...
It seems little... But it felt big...
I really loved hanging out with my Dad the past few weeks...
It's all those little things that make living life together so so great!
Thanks for coming out Dad!!!
Sure do love you and appreciate you!