The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. Actually all holidays are kinda my favorite holidays. I guess I just love having a reason to celebrate pretty much anything. We had such a fun weekend with each other, with our kids, and with some good friends.
On Saturday we went to the Monument Parade... Adam's parents had saved an awesome spot the night before. (Sweet! Thanks guys!)

There were so many people there handing out so many things that the kids had treats up the wazooo!!
All three of them stuffed their pockets with candy that was constantly being thrown at them from the people in the parade.

Love these girls!!!!
There were so many cool cars... And when they would drive by Siah would turn around and shout, "Hey Mama! Look at those cool cars!!! Look!!"
I just put this picture on here because in one of my super pregnant moments that don't make any sense at all, I found it to be excessively hilarious that these women were doing jazzercise down the middle of the road... So I had to take a picture and include them in our blog. :)

On Sunday, our church had a picnic. It started out with the "children's parade." We decorated the kids bikes and they rode up and down this long side walk a couple of times. They had a good time and they sure were cute doing it. Even Reesie rode her little kitty ride along as fast as she could down the side walk. :) I love being a proud Mama.

Joey played flag football. The kiddos rode their bikes and played on the playground. I did a constant mental count in my head trying to keep track of all three treasures. There was always someone with each one of them taking care of them. It was such a blessing to me to watch how many people that we have only known for such a short time, went out of their way to love on our kiddos. It was such a sweet afternoon of fellowship and I was so blessed!
We went home and the girls and I took a long afternoon nap. That night some friends came over and we set off a bunch of fireworks in our front driveway. They're not legal in CA so this was the first year that the kids have ever done fireworks so upfront and personal. They loved it... and I loved watching them. It started raining off and on. So we would set off a few fireworks and then run back into the garage in between each spout of rain.
Reesie was blessed with CRAZY hair. She doesn't always keep her hair ties in... and quite frankly, after 4pm, I just don't care to continue fixing her hair so we just leave it as is!
Happy Independence Day!!!!!