I went to the doctor this morning... Secretly I was hoping that she would "accidently" break my water when she was checking to see if I had dilated anymore. No such luck!!! But I am 3 whole cm! That's nice to hear...
So we have an induction date if this little guy doesn't come on his own any earlier.
July 22nd @ 7:30 am we will be off to the hospital.
How am I feeling... annoying well! I was hoping by now that I would be feeling crampy, contractions, unable to sleep, unable to walk very well, some sort of pain, some sort of discomfort... I was hoping to be off to the hospital by now.
But instead...
Besides feeling super tight and completely done with this project called pregnancy, I feel fabulous! Genuinely fabulous!
So here we go... 10 more days AT THE MOST before we meet our little man....
Which by the way, I have been very fortunate to have had an ultrasound every week for the past four weeks and our little guy looks ultra fabulous on the big screen... fluid levels high... strong heartbeat... all his parts present... good size... But I have learned that you never REALLY know until we're holding him in our arms to be sure of what God has for us.
So that's that! We are joyfully expectant and can't wait to introduce our son to our little world in just a few short days!!!!
Just for fun..
Remember these...
Now we have "four" treasures....