Yesterday we went to Fallbrook to visit our precious friend Jenny. She took us to her friend's "mini" farm. The kids got to feed their cow and their chickens. They were both surprisingly brave. Often times they are hesitant with animals and they don't really like to get that close to them. But at the farm they walked right up and said "Hello!"
The kids picked tomatoes from their organic garden to feed the chickens...

Meet "Mr. Cow"...

Throwing the tomatoes through the fence...

They both made several trips back and forth from the garden to the chicken coup...

The kids picked tomatoes from their organic garden to feed the chickens...

Meet "Mr. Cow"...

Throwing the tomatoes through the fence...

They both made several trips back and forth from the garden to the chicken coup...

Jenny let each of the kids collect fresh eggs....

They fed the cows. Siah wanted to put the hay right into the cows mouth but we passed on that idea... Jenny told Siah that if he wanted to keep his fingers attached to his hand that he should just put the hay in the trough...

Siah watching the cow eat...

It was a hot, hot day... after the farm we had planned on going to a park to eat our lunch but instead settled for the air conditioning in Carls Jr. We ended the fun with some frozen yogurt at this cute little yogurt shack in the center of town. Jenny treated us and I'm pretty sure that the "ice cream" was the kids most favorite part of the day.
On our way home we stopped off at Costco to pick up a few things for a baby shower that we're having at our house this weekend.
Another sweet Treasure day...