Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Latest

So the latest around our crazy home is this...

Reesie ate chalk for a snack yesterday. And today, I saw her pick something up and put it in her mouth. When I got to her, she had pulled it out of her mouth and was sporting a disgusted look on her face. "It", turned out to be a snail. (Yes, we feed our kids really well around these here parts!) I just took that snail out of her hands and matter of factly suggested, "honey, we really do have better snack options if you ever get tired of chalk and snails." :).... Lovely... just lovely...


If I have to say, "please stop holding yourself," or "stop picking your nose," one more time... well golly geee, I just don't know what I'll do! I mean seriously... COME ON!!! Can't we be done with this??


Hal is way into popcorn these days... she can't seem to say POPcorn to save her life, so it has become lovingly known in our home as HOPcorn because that's what she calls it. I'm sittting outside typing this post while my girls are playing some sort of make-believe game that involves Halee relentlessly offering Reesie some pretend HOPcorn. Got lovet these girls. :)

And the grand finale... since I constantly find myself telling the kids that they CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS THEM, I had to give myself the same piece of advice the other night at our final women's bible study pool party.

Check it out below... And not to ruin the surprise or anything, but after much, much hesitation, I really do jump!

(Oh and remember to turn off the music by scrolling down to the bottom of the blog by pushing pause.... that is, if you wanna hear all the awesome encouragement that the incredible women in my life have for my petrified little soul. :)

So there you have it... the latest news at the Clark house. :)