Hi There, Its Joey. I am so excited to take my wife away for a little mini vacation to celebrate her 30th birthday. I wrote a poem for her to let her know what we were doing and she wanted me to share it on our blog. So, here it is...
To My Hot Babe Wife
A poem for my wife to celebrate her life.
This year shes turning thirty and my, isn’t she purty.
That’s Texan for pretty, and believe it or not, I love her more now than when she was twenty.
For this special day, something specials in store, hopefully it wont be a bore.
Shes an amazing wife, an incredible mother, someone you just wanna smother.
Kisses and hugs I do love to give her, even if sometimes she thinks i’m a bother.
So now shes thinking where is this all goin, she better pack her bags cause we’re off for an island. A boat we might take, and no, its not a cruise, a ferry more like it, heck, there might even be jews. That’s got nothing to do with this trip, but this weekend i’m so excited, I could do some backflips. Its me and my hot babe for one night away to some place enchanted to stay.
So, pack for the beach and bring a sweatshirt, cause those golf carts go fast and I don’t want ya to get hurt.
Don’t worry about the kids, they’re in great hands, with granny, and our cool friends.
We might come back a little sunburned but hopefully refreshed, cause your turning thrirty and deserve some rest.
So, get your bag ready, but not too heavy, cause we might be walkin, just not through a levy.
Its only one night, but hopefully will feel like forever cause I’m bringin out these funky rhymes and doin something clever.
The point of this story is that my wife I do love, so much so that I think we fit together better than OJ’s glove.
With Love from The Papa