Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sweet November...

Three little people that I just can't get enough of...

Josiah Malachi

Halee Jayden

Skyler Reese

I love November and the time that we get to spend thinking of all the things that we have to be thankful for. Sometimes I must admit that I wake up on the "wrong side of the bed" and I find myself forgetting that each day is really, truly a gift. So lately I have tried a little something new to help me get past my grouchiness (which blesses no one, including myself).

When I can see that I am slowly loosing my joy, I ask the Lord to help me combat it with a heart FULL of gratefulness... At first I just try to think of ten things... but I am finding that once I think of ten it quickly tumbles into twenty... then thirty...

So in the this time of Thanksgiving here are just a few of the things that I am grateful for...

My Mighty Savior LOVES me!
He cherishes me...
Holds me in my sorrow...
He gives me wisdom when I ask...
He gives me purpose for my days....
And surrounds me with friends who love Him and spur me on towards Him...
He overflows my heart with joy in times where joy seems the least unlikely...
He Has given me three little people who thrust me into a deep dependance on Him...

He put an amazing man in my life who leads me, cares for me, works hard for me, provides for me, loves on me, holds me and kisses me, challenges me, teaches me, prays for me and blesses me...

He puts laughter in my life each and everyday...
He gives me His word to push me forward...
He gives me Truth to stand on...
He protects me from emptiness and fills me overflowing with his Spirit...

He puts a roof over my head and food on my table...
He gives me extra treats; like a Trader Joes chai tea latte that I can make in my home each morning...

I'm thankful for the city that I live in and for the condo that I spend my days in... and for the way that we got our condo and for our landlord who has become a friend...
I'm thankful that I have carpet on our floors and that our home is a safe-haven for my husband and my kids...

I am thankful that my children are joyful and full of laughter... I'm thankful that they genuinely love each other and are each other's best friends... I'm thankful we can all be so real around each other and that we can and do forgive each other daily (sometimes hourly :)... I'm thankful for our parents and the way that they love on us and on our kids... I'm thankful for the way that each one of them loves the Lord...

I'm thankful for loss, and trials, and events in my life that have thrown me into God's presence...
I'm thankful for the years that I had with my mom....
I'm thankful for memories and Im thankful that after almost seven years, my sweet husband still holds me when I cry about my mom...

I'm grateful for second chances and for forgiveness...
I'm grateful that things are "new every morning"...

I'm grateful for dates with my husband... For smiles on my children's faces... For kindness and success in new lessons learned... I'm thankful for friendship and good conversation... I'm thankful for prayer; for the ones that have been answered and for the ones that keep bringing me into His presence...

I could go on and on... there is almost a never ending amount of reasons to be grateful...

It's funny cuz in the duration of me writing this post I broke up three arguments between Siah and Hal... I tripped on one of Siah's toy cars that he left in the middle of the hallway and said a swear word under my breath... I wiped Skyler's nose several times and she screamed every time... Josiah "towed" Hal's stroller away with his make-shift "tow truck" cuz it was parked in a "no parking zone" in the living room... and Hal decided to solve the problem herself by pushing Siah off his tow truck, grabbing her stroller, and taking off running!! (at least we know that when she gets older she'll be able to hold her own, right? I just pray we can teach her to do it in a little bit more of a constructive way :)...

It's crazy around here!!!!

And yet there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for...

I hope this Thanksgiving season brings joy to your heart
and reminds us all of the thousands of ways that we are TRULY blessed!!!