I know that it's far from "classy"... It might even border on the side of "tacky"...
But I wanna brag!!...
I wanna brag about my husband who drove 23 out of the past 24 hours to get us home safely from Texas...
I wanna brag about my three kiddos who did ABSOLUTELY AMAZING in the car. There was NO crying, no fighting, lots of sleeping, and joyful attitudes the whole time!!!! Is that even possible with a 3 year old, a 2 year old and a 5 month old? I guess so. All Glory to the Lord!! What a blessing!!!
But I wanna brag!!...
I wanna brag about my husband who drove 23 out of the past 24 hours to get us home safely from Texas...
I wanna brag about my three kiddos who did ABSOLUTELY AMAZING in the car. There was NO crying, no fighting, lots of sleeping, and joyful attitudes the whole time!!!! Is that even possible with a 3 year old, a 2 year old and a 5 month old? I guess so. All Glory to the Lord!! What a blessing!!!

It was nice and snug in our little scion... But I think the kids liked it that way... especially Skyler... I don't know if I've mentioned it before but Skyler has a special heart towards Siah... She LOVES him... we were driving somewhere last week and Siah was sleeping... Skyler was awake and she started talking at the top of her lungs and batting her arms and looking at Siah, trying to get his attention in any way that she could... She didn't give up until we got home and Siah woke up! Sometimes when I'm holding her and she sees Siah she gets all bashful and she buries her head into my chest... It is so stinkin sweet!!

Sweet Hal!! She got a fever the morning that we left to drive home... then an earache... The fever finally broke the next morning and she did great the whole drive! her ear ache is gone and she is back to her happy self!
We had such sweet time this past week with our family... Joey got to spend a lot of time with the kids and I got to spend a lot of time resting... It was a real treat for everyone...