The past twelve years have brought me eight pregnancies, three babies lost, and six living treasures.
The once littles are no longer little.
Now they talk and help and read and pray and laugh and run and by golly they go to the bathroom by themselves.
The now-littles bring that baby joy and toddler talk into our home. The three year old is in a "me no want," "me no like," phase.
The middles are in that flow of constantly learning new things like tying shoes and sounding out letters and making their beds and spitting their toothpaste in the sink instead of swallowing it.
The years keep passing and bringing change.
{This kid has often been thought of as the quiet one. He keeps to himself and usually follows the rules. But lately he's been struggling. So much so that he spends a lot of his days right next to his Mama because The Cowboy and I are having a hard time trusting him with much of anything. He's growing up and sometimes that means seasons of getting over bumps in the road. He'll get there. But he's not there today.}
{I am falling more in love with this one everyday. His fit pitching crazy-man days are slowing down and his big personality brightens my days. He's funny and determined, strong and fearless.}
{This one has been a crying super mess for the past few weeks. And even though she's number six and I should know everything about babies by now, I have NO idea what is going on with this girl.}
{As for my Spunky One, well, just look at her! Wouldn't you just give anything to live with such a joy-girl? She's SOO much fun and I have not a single dull day with her residing under the farmhouse roof. She's confident and creative and truly lovely.}
{And this girl, she got bangs last week and she looks so grown up!!! The other day she talked to me about a boy she thought was cute while we were driving in the car. She wants her clothes to match just right and she carries a purse with her every time we leave the farmhouse. She's helpful and kind and she's becoming one of my bestest friends.}
{And my boy-man__ He's amazing. He's emotional, yes. But that's only part time. He's insanely responsible for an eleven year old. He saved up $300 this summer working for the neighbors, mowing lawns, chopping firewood, and rounding up cows. He's up at 5:30 every morning reading his Bible, doing morning chores, and starting his school work. His heart is soft towards the Lord and I adore that about him.}
{When we met each other, we had three kids between the two of us__ Now we have 11.}
{We visited the old jail. We told the kids that this is what happens to disobedient children. LOL!}
{This picture of our crew is from the first year we went to see the fall leaves. It's hard to believe how much has changed in the five years that we've been going up the mountain.}