{10 months.
Not crawling.
No teeth.
18 pounds.
Perfect cheeks.
Best belly laugh.
Simply Beautiful.
I've been thinking about this as the tiny one has been sick, and there are 14 of us currently living under the farmhouse roof, and school is still in session, and we slowly keep plugging away at the #stableturnedoneroomschoolhouse, and meals still need to be made and the kids and the mama keep trying to speak words that make souls stronger in the midst of feeling anything but strong__ I'm not a natural at any of this day-to-day stuff__ because the day-to-day beckons me to do the impossible.
{This picture makes me smile big.}
You wanna know the truth?
I've been thinking about how I'm not a natural at anything motherhood has called upon me: sacrifice, patience, wisdom, diligence, tenderness, or some sort of multitasking + domestic management skills. But turns out, our lack is his mercy: To get to be a part of the modern day miracle of God making us more than we are in our own strength. We don't have to fit the mold, we need only be molded by Him who makes us fit for our callings. His callings are his enablings.
{This is how she really feels about her headband.}
Our lack is His mercy &
His callings are His enablings.
Today I'm thanking Him for that.
*some thoughts from Ruth Simons*