So often it seems that the Lord gives above and beyond.
Last weekend was the Spunky Girl's 8th birthday and we ended up in Nebraska at the most beautiful lake house doing things we never do at home__ riding jet skis & inner tubes, running on lilly pads in the middle of the lake__ having endless water gun fights and setting fireworks off in the driveway__ running on giant hay bales and riding through fields on Gators.
The few days that we were there, my cheeks hurt from smiling.
{The kids caught tiny frogs and carried them around in their pockets.}
{And this face... oh this boy... he ran right into the lake when we got there and didn't stop running all weekend long. The first night we were there he was so tired he fell asleep in his high chair.}
I wanna remember how the kids played baseball with a bat from the Dollar Store and the tiny apples that had fallen from the apple tree in the back yard.
I wanna remember how The Charmer overcame so many fears this weekend like riding the Merry-go-Round at the park and going fast on the boat and jumping into the lake.
I wanna remember the way The Spunky Girl fell asleep in that over-size chair in the living room.
I wanna remember eating the best BBQ chicken burger I have ever eaten in my life and washing it down with a piece of coconut cream pie at the little diner attached to the small-town airport.
I wanna remember the kids running through the hay bales and catching frogs.
I wanna remember the sun setting over the lake and the kids still not wanting to get out {even though they were shivering like crazy.}
I wanna remember how pumped the Spunky Girl was when she found out there was going to be Dorritos and Gatorade for snack.
I wanna remember how we kind of had our own personal safari in the middle of Nebraska.
I wanna remember the way the Dancing Girl gazed at those beautiful horses running across the farm fields.
I wanna remember the gift of this weekend and the way we all left with our hearts full.
{The kids watching Annie on the basement couch.}
It wasn't just the lake house that was making me smile.
It was the kids that filled it.
And one of those amazing kids turned eight while we were there.
Sweet Spunky Girl of mine, you make life fun. I didn't know that "Reese" meant "fiery one" when we named you. But it describes you to a T.
You're energetic and strong. You can do ten pull ups hanging from the tree branch right outside my window. You love to hula-hoop and jump rope and ride bikes and do cart wheels__everywhere__.
You're kind and gentle with your little sister and you can get her to laugh like no one else.
You're sensitive to the feelings of others and never want anyone to feel left out__ I love that about you. It makes you a great friend.
You love to dance and sing and you are anything but shy. Last night your Papa and I were sitting on the porch and you came out with your head phones on and started belting out whatever song was playing in your ears, then you started dancing as if we weren't even there, sporting that contagious smile of yours__ Your Papa and I looked at each other and laughed and said, "Where did that one come from?"__ You are your own person for sure and we love every inch of you.
You're passionate and full of emotion.
You're confident and kind.
You're beautiful inside ad out and we LOVE you to the moon and back!
{How thankful I am to these two for always blessing our family beyond measure. Thanks for making my Spunky-Girl's birthday so special Co & Kevin.}
A video of our weekend, 4th of July & Our Spunky Girl's Birthday__
Summer 2016 from Kacy Clark on Vimeo.
mUSIC_ Shine A Light by Banners