Saturday, May 21, 2016

Zion 2016

This will always be the year we got stuck on the side of the road__
The year we drove 240 miles out of the way and bought half of Home Depot before we were able to fix the trailer.

It will always be the year that I stood on the side of the road and watched my man tucked up under that trailer__ the year I felt so grateful to be married to a handy Cowboy.

This will always be the year that the river was high and fast and that the weather was cooler and bearable and lovely.

This will be the year that the kids and I made funny videos one afternoon and watched them together as we sat on the side of the road__The year we ate smore's and popsicles and ding dongs all in one afternoon__ The year they danced in the rain.

This will be the year the Ninja flooded the trailer bathroom__ The year the kids became Junior Rangers__ The year Aunt Mindy found the best ice cream shop ever.

This will be the year Miss Shiloh was still small__ The year we didn't sleep much, because Miss Shiloh was still small__ The year we all napped a lot to make up for not sleeping at night, because Miss Shiloh was still small.

This will be the year that we saw that big black snake with white stripes creeping across the road and the Spunky Girl FREAKED out and refused to get out of the car for over an hour.

This will be the year that the Charmer got 14 scratches on his legs (he counted them and told me how he got each one)__ The year all 24 of us biked the entire river path.

This will be the year the two oldest boys joined the men on their night bike rides through the canyon__ the year the two oldest boys slept outside in a tent of their own__ the year those same boys built a damn to create a "pool" of water for the little kids to play in.

This was a year that was so epic it's made all of us already long for next year.

These family camping trips with the same families each year are such a gift to our family.

Until next year__

I'm totally enjoying making these family videos__

Hope you enjoy them too.

pASSWORD: zion
mUSIC: Let's Go by Handsome & Gretel