Friday, February 26, 2016

She Does Nothing For Me {Shiloh Faith @3 Months}

She doesn't serve me in any way.

She can't move herself, go to the bathroom herself, or feed herself.

She spits up all over me all day long.

She can't talk to me and tell me her dreams__ I never actually know what she's thinking.

She does nothing for me, and yet, my heart feels as if it might burst at how much I absolutely adore this girl.

Miss Shiloh Faith is 3 months old already. It's almost surreal how quickly time has passed.

She has the best smile.

And I'm not just saying this to be positive, but truly, she is the absolute best baby we have EVER had.

She eats well, sleeps well, and when she's awake she's happy. She only cries when she has a dirty diaper and when she's tired and wanting her bed. She's not colic-y or gas-y or teething. She's just happy and joyful and easy. She so rarely cries that on the few occasions that she has lost it, I felt at a loss as to what to do. It's funny being a Mama of six and looking at your baby and not knowing what to do with her. I have been a Mama to newborns many times and it's crazy how truly different each and every one of them has been.

Let's see, some fun facts about Shiloh Faith @ 3 months__

She's only had four or five traditional baths since she's been born. It's freezing, she hates them, and it's way easier to wipe her down with a warm wash cloth. Plus she has dozen crevices on her chunky little self and they are way easier to clean out with the washcloth.

She weighs 13lbs now.

She smiles and coos at you whenever you talk to her but she hasn't started laughing yet.

She's "discovered her hand." This has happened with every kid and it makes me laugh every time. She holds her hand up in front of her and goes cross-eyed trying to look at it, and she looks so surprised that it's there in front of her and she can move it.

I still swaddle her when I put her to bed. In fact swaddling is one of the things that gets her to stop crying when she's upset.

She still has that newborn smell that I love.

She's drinking six ounces at each feeding.

Just this week she moved into size 2 diapers. And the crazy thing is that I have not had to buy a single box of diapers for her since she was born, thanks to kind friends. :)

She started sleeping through the night at 11 weeks & she's sleeping a good 12-13 hours. It's GLORIOUS! I always feel like a new woman when they start sleeping through the night. I no longer feel like a walking zombie during the day. It's__so__nice!

I've done this newborn thing enough times now to know that things can change on a dime. It takes 2.5 seconds for a sweet little one to turn from calm and collected to absolutely crazy.

But for today, she's this tiny little thing that has brought a joy to our family that I can't even put into words. When one of the kids is having a bad day, they'll ask to hold Shiloh, and there's something about holding her tender little self that causes that kid's joy to magically return.

ALL of our treasures are a gift. They each bring a different sweetness to our days. The smallest one brings the rest, the calm, the peace.

She's lovely and she's loved.

Happy 3 months little one!!!