I didn't give her a bath until she was three weeks old.
There's no reason why I waited__ I guess that's just kind of how it worked out.
She's only a few weeks old and anything can happen, but as of right now, she really is the most chill baby.
She cried a little bit when I first dumped water on her, but then she just hung out.
{Mr. Solomon wanted to get in the bath with his sister, but truth be told he's just not trustworthy quite yet. Baby steps__ At this stage in the game, he's not allowed to get to close to her as he pretty much has zero control over himself. He'll get there. But for now, we keep Miss Shiloh up and away from the Ninja. :)}
I have "first bath" pictures for all the kids. This time around my Hal was the photographer and she did a lovely job. Thanks Hal.