She came home the day before Thanksgiving.
There is so much I want to write but I'm so tired. So for today we might just have to settle for a few pictures.
Meeting the fam....
I was so blessed by all who cooked and brought food to share. We had 20 in all around the farm table this Thanksgiving.
The Papa with his little miracle...
It was Aunt Jennifer's birthday on Thanksgiving Day. She's such a treasure and I didn't want to the day to go by without celebrating her amazing life... so we had a little shindig for her.
Cousin sleepover...
My Solomoo...
The Cowboy gave me the most beautiful flowers when we brought Shiloh home from the hospital...
Checking out his new sister...
Nap time for two...
Someone got tired...
And this little guy had the flu...
It was 3 degrees here at the farmhouse on Thanksgiving morning so we did a lot of hanging out inside...
Me and my Spunky girl...
Grandma with the grandkids...
Finally, our tribe is all together again.
Every year we have a Thanksgiving tree that is covered in scripture leaves. Each person at the table gets a leaf and reads it before they share something they are thankful for. This year I couldn't even make it through the verse on my leaf without the tears falling...
"How great is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you." Psalm 31:19
How incredibly much my heart has to be grateful for in this season of my life. As I sat at the farmhouse table and looked around at all the Lord has lavished on me, I couldn't help but cry tears incredible joy. My kids, my Joey, family and friends__ but most of all Jesus and His steadfast faithfulness. He gives and takes away. He has asked both of me through the years. But in this season, He has given all that He didn't have to give, and I am abundantly grateful.
Her first Thanksgiving just might have been my best Thanksgiving ever.