Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ten Things I Learned While Making Apple Sauce

Ten things I learned while making apple sauce this year__

1. 20lbs of apples doesn't make nearly as much apple sauce as one might think.
2. The fun, old-fashioned apple peeler looks cool, but doesn't work super well.
3. It's helpful to have a pig, a dozen chickens, and a few kids who will eat the endless strings of apple peels that are left over after peeling 20lbs of apples.

4. We made strawberry apple sauce this year too and it is just as tasty as regular apple sauce.
5. The Spunky Girl picked out an outfit specifically for apple sauce making__she asked me if I liked the way she turned a skirt and shirt into a beautiful white dress? She makes me smile.
6. I missed being with my apple-sauce-making friend so much this year while making sauce. Apple sauce making is so much more fun with friends.

7. Homemade apple sauce tastes a thousand times better than store-bought.
8. A tiny bit of brown sugar goes a long way.
9. I prefer smooth verses chunky.

10. I love days at home with my treasures, making apple sauce in the farmhouse kitchen.

Loving these lovely fall days.