Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Lake House {And A Little Boy's Birthday}

At dinner I asked him what his favorite part of his birthday was...
He said "riding in the boat at Papaw's lake house, and my 2 new cell phones."

We went to Texas to spend time with family and to celebrate Joey's Grandmother's 80th birthday. I'm sad to say that I did not get even one picture at the party but I'm so thankful that we were able to take the kids and celebrate Grandmother. I hope she felt loved on by the many people that were there and I hope it was a day she'll always remember. 

Our last day in Texas just happened to be our little Charmer's birthday. And even though we weren't at home I still wanted it to be a day to remember for our little man. 

The Charmer, he's a treasure hunter. EVERY__SINGLE__DAY at the farm, he takes his backpack and travels the fields  looking for "treasures." Most of the time he brings home rusty nails and shiny trash. The other day he brought home three pieces of glass in a plastic Walmart bag. I told him the glass was dangerous and that we would have to throw it away, and he wept... truly wept. It was so sad.

SOO, on his birthday his Papa had a brilliant idea to create a treasure hunt for our treasure hunter, and when we told him, he couldn't have been more pumped.

His siblings took turns reading him the clues and helping him figure out the riddles.

The final clue was at Aunt Jennifer's house and she so sweetly set up a glorious birthday breakfast complete with pancakes, strawberries, and whipped cream.

Jed's cousin, Hannah gave him his absolute favorite gift, two of her old flip phones. He seriously has not put them down since we left their house. 

 After breakfast we headed to the "Lake House" as the kids so affectionately refer to it. And there, his Great-Mamaw Clark had baked him a cake and bought him some strawberry ice cream. He loved it! Then his Great-Papaw took him and the other kids on a ride on his boat.

Jed said over and over again that that was by far the best part of his day.

{This one is looking so incredibly grown up__}

{My handsome birthday boy__}

{The four living Joe Clarks__}

{Look at those eyelashes__LOVE.}


From the Lake House, we made the long trek back to The Farm. The littlest boy slept for a whopping 20 minutes all day and didn't fall asleep for the night until almost ten. Then he woke up every 20 minutes fussing because he couldn't get comfortable in his carseat. Poor buddy. The truth is, traveling with the littlest one is no walk in the park. But it's worth it to us so that we can spend time with the ones we love.

It was such a sweet week in Texas, and extra sweet on my Charmer's birthday.

I'm so thankful for family and the way they love on my kids and make them feel so special. It means so much to this Mama-heart of mine.

It was so hot in Texas I made the boys wear shorts all week. We got home at 1am this morning, so the kids just slept in their clothes. But before I could even peel myself out of bed this morning, The Charmer had already gotten himself dressed__ worn out jeans with holes in the knees, his old boots with his toes sticking out, and his well-loved Cowboy hat. When I came out to greet the day, there was my Jeddy, "Morning Mama. It feels so good to be in my real clothes again."

Then he gave me that dimpled grin and slipped out the front door, with his new camo backpack, in search of treasures.

Happy 5th Birthday Jedediah Cyrus!

You are a gift and you're so incredibly loved! :)