Friday, November 7, 2014

Dead To Sin, Alive In Christ

He came up to me in the middle of the party and whispered it in my ear...
"Is halloween a celebration of the devil?" 

Oh buddy... I can always count on you to ask the best questions... :)

I whispered back, 
"Holidays will always be what you make them to be."

For the Clark family, Halloween is a celebration of how as Christ followers we have become dead to sin and ALIVE in Christ. I love thinking upon that gift every October. I love the kindness of the Lord to set my heart and my mind upon him. ALL of life is an opportunity for praise, for gratitude, for all that Christ has done! 

This Halloween there were three little army men, and two snowflakes in the farmhouse. 
The girls "designed" their own costumes and I loved them.

Sweet Sabrina had a party on Friday night and we had our fourth annual harvest party here at the farm on Saturday...



Happy Happy Halloween from our farmhouse to yours. :)