I have a love for moments.
A love for the everyday ordinary.
A love for the simple things that make this farm house a happy place.
Each year my sweet mother in law gives me a gift card to this lovely place... And I get to bring these little treasures home, simple things that make my heart sing. And slowly but surely there are pieces of loveliness that are beginning to make our little farm house, ours.
Birthday Flowers below the mason jar light that the Cowboy put in for me above our farmhouse sink...
The sweetest little measuring cup I've ever seen near some Target, dollar bin, cork-top jars filled with two of my favorite things, flax seeds for smoothies and sunflower seeds for salads... There are two tiny white bowls behind the jars that hold salt and pepper, easy access when cooking...
One day, a few months back, I took the Dancing Girl to Saddle Club, and when I came home, this perfectly simple island was in my kitchen, with a grinning, handsome Cowboy standing next to it...
My Cowboy, he laid the floors.
He created the "Chandelier" with some old tin cans that we found at the most lovely store in Castle Rock.
My Dad and I, we painted the cabinets and replaced the hardware.
The littlest one rides around that island in his walker and bumps into my feet while I load the dishwasher.
The oldest boy scrambles eggs each morning in this kitchen.
The middle boy rarely misses meal prep {he likes to taste test everything before it makes its way to the table}.
The girls love to bake and all the treasures have learned the joy of serving, cleaning counters & washing dishes after each meal, being a part off a family in this quaint little corner of our home.
The farm kitchen has become something cozy, and lovely, and the most perfect kind of ordinary one can find.