Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Adventure

 What I know is that sometimes the best medicine for a man's heart, is adventure.

What I know is that he bought it from a government auction somewhere in the heart of Kansas.

What I know is that adventure spreads quickly, and his Dad flew out to the farm and his friends took off work and packed up their sons and they all piled into the van with a million tools piled into buckets in the back.

I know that they left on a Tuesday, slept in a cheap motel and picked up the beast the next morning.

I know that the breaks went out and they spent hours on the side of the road and every time I called to check in there was only joy in his voice.

I know they drove through the night, through a snowstorm, and drove back through the farm gates at 5 am on Thursday morning.

And I don't know any more details, of who said what, or what they ate, or if my son ever changed his underwear, or what they did all those hours on the side of the road, but I know that my Siah came in the front door at 5 am beaming that handsome grin of his. 

And as he slipped off his boots, he said it all happy,

"Mom, that was the best adventure ever."

He hugged me tight, said good night, and went to bed in the same clothes he had had on the day he left.

And everyday since, the Cowboy has been out there by the stable enjoying his newest adventure. :)