Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Gracious Fancy Nancy Spunky Girl

We were all geared up for One Extravagantly Simple Fancy Nancy Princess Party, when, one by one, we started dropping like flies.

On Thursday it was My Siah. He just might have thrown up fifteen times before the day was over.

On Friday morning, it hit the Mama...

Then the Spunky Girl...

And around midnight, The Charmer started crying. Sure enough, his bed was covered in strawberry nastiness.

On Saturday morning I had to break it to The Spunky Girl that we were going to have to cancel her birthday party. I was dreading it. I just knew she was going to be so sad and I didn't want to break her heart. And bySaturday morning she was feeling her chipper self again.

"Reesie-piece. I'm sorry sweetheart but were not going to be able to have your party today cuz everyone's sick.

She looked at me, smiled that awesome Reesie-girl smile of hers, and offered this Mama more grace than I even thought a four-year-old knew how to offer,

"That's okay Mama. I'll just go outside and play with Halee."

Oh my goodness!Sweet Grace!

What four year old wouldn't cry at a canceled birthday party?

I guess my Spunky Girl... And she hasn't said a word about it since.

So once we were all feeling better, our whole family had our own Fancy Nancy party, got all accessorized, and went out for some ice cream. 

Even the Cowboy put on a tie for his daughter. 
The Cowboy doesn't actually own a tie, but thankfully the folks across the farm had an ample supply.

And as we were getting ready to pile into the car, the Cowboy came walking up the dirt road with the newest little additions to farm....

Sweet Spunky girl...
Thank you for your tender grace,
Thank you for your fun spirit that gets our family all dressed up and eating ice cream out by the lake.
I'm so thankful for you. 
Happy Birthday precious daughter of mine!