Sunday, July 22, 2012

730 Days Of Sheer Gift

I feel as if every mom says it about their boy each time another birthday rolls around, but truly,

I can't believe our little Charmer is TWO_YEARS_OLD today.

It's almost unfathomable to me.

The day we met our little guy, I pulled him out myself and wore a very confused look on my face as I stared at his, squishy, handsome, old-man-looking face.

I had prayed soo hard to have a least one that looked like me, and instead I got the spitting image of My Cowboy. Good thing the Cowboy's one handsome man! :)

Little Jedi,

You make me smile till my insides hurt. 

When you arrived on the scene, you turned my world upside down. Your curious little spirit has brought to light the truth of how little control I've had over all you precious treasures all along. 

You're cute, and by-golly, you KNOW IT! You bat those bright baby blue eyes at me, and shoot me that dazzling smile with those two little dimples on your perfectly squishy cheeks. 

And as much as you cause a bit of a rukus with your curious little mind, you've taught this Mama more in your short two years than she ever could have imagined her heart even needed to learn. 

The way you fake laugh when I catch you unrolling the toilet paper roll for the third time in a day, you've taught me to find joy in the mess of things. 

The way you run like a little football player through the farm fields, you've taught me to speak gratitude for even the smallest of gifts that He gives.

The way you jump right into what ever the big kids are doing, you've taught me to be courageous, even in, especially in, the times when I feel frozen and unable to move.

THe way you love life, and get right back up when you fall off your bike, you've taught me to accept the good with the bad, and to stand right back up, cheer for myself, and get back on my bike.

You are one amazing little man and there is not a day that goes by that I don't whisper thanks under my breath, for the gift of having you with us under this farmhouse roof. 

You the man! :)

Happy Happy Happy BIRTHDAY sweet man of mine! I just love you with my whole heart! :)

Love, Your Mama