Friday, March 16, 2012

What On God's Green Earth Is Happening Around Here????

If you've known me for more than five minutes, you know how I feel about dogs.

But it's also no secret that I have been outnumbered 5/1 for some time now.

So when the Cowboy called me at noon on a Thursday, I could hear that little-boy joy in his voice.

All he said was "hello," and I knew.

"Love, you didn't????"
I asked him with a small pit in my stomach...

I could see him smiling through the phone.

It's a GOOD thing I am sooo in love with this Cowboy of mine...

"Kace... You're gonna love him, I promise."
To which I responded in a slow whisper,
"I think I just threw up in my mouth."

We were at Old Navy buying the crew $5 flip flops when the Cowboy phoned again and said that he could meet us in the parking lot and surprise the kids...

My wise and gentle friend, Mindy, highly suggested that I make the moment that was about to happen, a joyful memory for my treasures and NOT a memory that involved a grouchy Mama.
I'm so glad she reminded me...

And with a smile on my face and a lens in my hand, we walked across the parking lot and straight into him...

Meet Chief!

The Charmer was giddy-excited... And the girls were glowing... My Siah was still in his classes, and would meet Chief when the Cowboy picked him up that afternoon.

I know it's a strong word, and I don't even really have a good reason to feel this way, but I think I might go as far to say that I kinda of, sort of, hate animals. I know! Who doesn't like animals, right?

But I'm thinking that the arrival of Chief on the farm is much more than just a little throw up in my mouth.

These recent years have been all about one thing for me...

Acceptance WITH JOY!

That's the thing in this one life I've been given. The trouble is not so much in the "acceptance." For me, it's always been the learning to do so "with joy."

And on that Thursday when the Cowboy called with joy so deep I could see it through the phone, I heard that still small voice of My Jesus whispering to me,

"Swallow that small bit of throw up in your mouth and let ME open your eyes to the joy of loving others above yourself. Those treasures, that Cowboy, jump into their joy and you just might find an unexpected joy in your own heart."

"But LORD!"

"But Kace. Trust me." :)

And here in this quiet little corner I will confess,

I just might have petted our Chief for a few crazy moments...
And I might have even smiled while doing so. :)

I have no idea what is happening to me and this heart of mine.
But I'm thinking that this journey into Acceptance With Joy is the best way, for me, to live my one life well. 
I'm so thankful that HE loves me enough to keep me ever moving straight into Him...

Even if it might involve a dog. :)