It's those little things again... the things that appear to be simple and minor but really, to this heart, they're HUGE!
This past weekend she texted me...
"Are you and the girls free Sunday night?"
"How about Disney Princesses on Ice? A gift from my man and I?"
"Really... you wanna do that?????"
"YES! YES! YES! Please just say YES!"
To her it might have just been a fun night out with the girls...
To me it was a tender act of kindness, a sweet reminder from HIM that even in this new place called home, He's got this Mama's heart in His hands. When we left our home town of thirty years, left comfort hoping for courage, we also left those whom we loved, and those who so graciously loved us... and more specifically our treasures.
When she texted me late on a friday night, I got a bit teary-eyed in my bed thinking of how the Lord brings those little things. He showers me and my kiddos with these sweet treats from above... with friendships, that though little time has past, these friends love deep. And often times, without even knowing it, these friends open themselves up to the little things that the Lord puts on their hearts.
Thanks my sweet friend for the MANY ways that you and your man are constantly blessing me and my family.
On Saturday morning I told the girls at the breakfast table about the text that I had recieved in the middle of the night... They cheered, danced, clapped, giggled... they were GLOWING! And I was so stoked for them!
They loved every second of it!
They clapped...
They laughed, and smiled from ear to ear...
I felt so blessed!
Oh how He loves in the biggest of little ways... :)