I Love Love Love being a Mommy to my many small children...
I hate stepping on matchbox cars hidden in the carpet with my bare feet... It stirs up something within me that just wants to yell out a swear word... or two. :)
I Love toddler cheeks poking out from under snow hats, and treasures waddling down the path to our barn bundled up, all squishy-cute...
I hate the combination of puffy winter coats and car seats.
I love her little voice and the funny things she says, the way she pronounces her sister's name and the fact that she replaces her "k" sounds with "t' sounds, "tar", "tuptake", "titty"...
I hate that I frustrate her so when I just can't understand what she's saying.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing laundry... (Seriously, I do)...
But I hate the final step of actually putting it away.
I Love that I live in the era of disposable diapers and a trash pick up service that comes to my house once a week...
I hate that no matter how many times I wash them, my hands seem to perpetually smell like poop.
I Love when our treasures learn something new and their whole face lights up and pride flushes their cheeks red, and they get this glad but sort of bashful look on their face...
I hate watching them struggle as they try to get to that point of success....But I let them struggle anyway... "because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts..." Romans 5:3-5
I love baby giggles and treasure laughter filling up our home... filling up our days...
I hate when the whining feels like it's never going to end.
I love the life I've been given...
And the only thing I hate about it...
is that it's going by so fast.