I have been chatting with the Lord lately about how wonderful it would be if at least one of my wee little ones could just take the initiative and start doing more things on their own, without my having to encourage... coax... remind... or maybe even sometimes beg, them to just get things taken care of around these here parts!

And it should be no surprise that God is great, even in the little things that I kinda mumble to Him under my breath as I'm putting the laundry away or loading the dishwasher for the second time in a day... and He answers the prayers that I only remember I've prayed when it dawns on me that here it is... the answer!!!
Right in front of my face!
And my heart chuckles and a huge smile creeps across my face... And I can't help but say out loud, THANK YOU Lord for answering my mumblings!

Siah has made lunch for EVERY ONE, EVERY DAY for the past five days. And I can't even tell ya how great it has been!
He gets everything out that he needs...

He cuts the sandwiches...
His sister's pitch in where they can....

While I'm feeding Jed, someone's in the kitchen, getting things ready for the rest of the crew... And when Jed is done, the table is set and full of food and we all get to sit down together and chat about the important things in life... like... Why Siah gets to use a butter knife and Reesie does NOT... or why we can't have cookies for lunch... or why if the sun is out and shining bright, it's still so blastin cold outside!
Loving the independence going on around here!!!