There once was a girl who dreamed about living an entire lifetime with the man of her dreams. She dreamed that her lover would be the type of man who would work hard to put food on her table and a roof over her head.
She dreamed about a man who would do a most hilarious Lady Gaga impression, just for her viewing, as they watched the Grammy's up in their room at night.
She dreamed about a man who would make funny sound effects and make her laugh, when during one of her pregnancies she would unfortunately have an overwhelming amount of gas and toot constantly in bed at night.
SHe dreamed about a lover who would call her several times a day just to check in.
In her dream the man was tall, bald and had a little belly that matched hers when she was about 5 months pregnant.
The man also had a most lovely smile that constantly caught her eye and lit up her heart... so much so that it would have been impossible to guess that her lover's smile was in need of a few thousand dollars worth of dental work.
In her dream, the not-so-young-anymore girl and her lover had many small treasures that they worked together each and every day to train up in the Lord.
The girl's lover was a real keeper... a man who loved his Savior, his wife and his children.
THen one day (yesterday, Valentines Day 2010, to be exact), the girl woke up and realized that right before her very eyes all her dreams had come true. YIPEEE!!!

I'm so in love with you my Joey!!!!
We had a most wonderful Valentines weekend.
On Friday we had our annual "we love, LOVE" party. (I'll post about that as soon as my camera battery charges and I can get pictures off of my camera to post)
Saturday I the most delicious breakfast at the Naked Cafe in celebration of Mindy and Danielle's birthday in the morning, while Joey and Grandma and Grandpa had the kids. Then in the afternoon I took the older kids to a really neat homeless shelter that helps family's get back on their feet. My friend Beth put on a Valentine's party for the kids at the shelter. It was an awesome opportunity for my kids to love on the kid at the shelter simply by being themselves. I was so grateful for the opportunity to take them there. It has sparked several great conversations between me and my treasures and I was so grateful that we were able to be a part of the party.
Saturday night Halee got a fever and it stayed with her all day on Sunday. So the girls and I stayed home from church. Hal slept most of the day. And Reesie and I cleaned out the garage while the boys went to church and the gun show with Gramps.
We had Trader Joes make dinner for us last night... put the kids to bed early... gave each other a Valentines kiss... then both fell asleep watching The Holiday.
It truly was a lovely weekend.
Happy Valentines Day y'all!!!!!!!!