Yesterday was my absolute second worst day in parenting EVER! The first worst day was a few years ago when I was at the Wild animal park with some friends. I only had Siah and Hal at the time and they were both riding in the stroller. As we were walking towards the lions, I looked down at the stroller and Siah was not in his seat. I had the worst sick feeling ever and tried to retrace my steps but I felt so panicked that I couldn't think straight. It turned out that he had slipped out of his seat and ran over to the spray park about 100 feet back from the spot that I had noticed he was missing. He had on a bright shirt and I noticed him right away!! THANK GOD! You bet your fanny that Siah of mine got himself a gracious handful of POPS that day!!!
Well yesterday just might trump the first worst bad day...
We were at my friend Pam's house eating lunch in her beautiful backyard. I let Reesie out of her seat but kept her right next to me. Then Siah started shouting about a spider being on his chair so I reached over to help him. When I looked up I didn't see Reesie... IMMEDIATELY I ran over to Pam's pool and found Reesie face down in the pool. I grabbed that girl SOOO FAST!!!! She must of just fallen in because she was able to breath right away and she wasn't even coughing up water, but she was hysterically crying. I quickly ripped off all of her wet clothes and wrapped her in a towel. By that time I was crying. I barely let the girl out of my arms for the rest of the day! Even as I write this post I am all teary-eyed! Can anybody say GOD"S GRACE!!! All I can say is Thank you Lord!!! Thank you!!!!
Life would be so so sad without this little treasure in it!!!
Well yesterday just might trump the first worst bad day...
We were at my friend Pam's house eating lunch in her beautiful backyard. I let Reesie out of her seat but kept her right next to me. Then Siah started shouting about a spider being on his chair so I reached over to help him. When I looked up I didn't see Reesie... IMMEDIATELY I ran over to Pam's pool and found Reesie face down in the pool. I grabbed that girl SOOO FAST!!!! She must of just fallen in because she was able to breath right away and she wasn't even coughing up water, but she was hysterically crying. I quickly ripped off all of her wet clothes and wrapped her in a towel. By that time I was crying. I barely let the girl out of my arms for the rest of the day! Even as I write this post I am all teary-eyed! Can anybody say GOD"S GRACE!!! All I can say is Thank you Lord!!! Thank you!!!!