Saturday, March 21, 2009


Often times I find myself needing a little perspective... Sometimes I lose sight of the eternal and find myself getting lost in everyday things that don't really matter...

Does this ever happen to you? Do you find yourself reprimanding your kids over something that, when you really think through it, truly doesn't matter in the whole scheme of life... This morning I spoke harshly to Halee at the table because she wasn't holding her burritto the way that I thought that she should... My tone caused her bottom lip to poke out and her precious little eyes to tear up... She was trying to be tough but her little heart was crushed. She wasn't trying to displease me, she was simply trying her best to eat her burrito.

Did she do anything to hurt others? No.
Did she harm her self in anyway? No even close.
Did she displease the Lord in anyway? Absolutely not.

So why did I dwell on it?????

What a treasure... a little perspective, hey?

I have had moments lately when getting dressed that I felt compelled to buy myself a whole new wardrobe simply because I was feeling bored and bummed out with the one that I have... Does this ever happen to you? The truth is, I needed a little perspective... I needed a reminder of how INCREDIBLY blessed I am that I wake up each morning to a closet full of choices. I needed a reminder to choose to be thankful. A famous verse in our home right now is Philippians 2:14, "Do all things without arguing or complaining!" I can't tell you how many times each day I use it to spur my children on... I needed a little reminder that it applies to me to.

This is the same face I have been making each time I look into my closet...

There have been days lately that I have lacked joy. Does this ever happen to you? Awhile back I found this woman's story. Now I use it as a constant reminder that I must daily choose joy! But truth be told I have been lacking in the"choosing" department lately... I know what I should choose and it doesn't usually match up with what I really am choosing.


I think it's one of those times when I just need a little perspective...
I want to correct my kids in the things that matter... the things that involve the eternal...
When I am trying to teach my kids to CHOOSE thankfulness and joy, I want to mainly teach them through my example, through the way I live my own life, not merely through my words...


Sometimes when I write things down it helps me to gain a little perspective...
Thanks for listening :)
Below are a few recent favorite photos...

Siah found a spot right up next to his Papa...

She's just my little joy...

I can't pinpoint why, but something about this picture reminds me of my mom...