What is Love anyway? I mean seriously... you grow up with all these pictures in your mind of what it will look like when you are finally "IN LOVE"... It usually includes things like flowers, fancy dinners, jewelry, getting sweet nothings whispered into your ear, a long kiss in the rain...
Although these things are nice, one might think that they provide little substance for a lifetime of committed, christ-centered love...
And although it might seem like I am about to come up with something extremely profound to say about love... the truth is that I am far from qualified to make any claim about matters so intricate...
But the reason that I even brought it up is because this past weekend Joey and I did the dishes together... two nights in a row for that matter... He washed, I loaded into the dishwasher and wiped the counters... And every chance he got Joey would put his hand on me... rest it on my back... slide it down my arm... and...well... you get the picture...
We've been married nine years... and for us, it seems that "doing life together" is what it means to be in love... As we did the dishes this weekend, I was blissfully reminded that my Joey chooses to only have eyes for me... I am his only mistress if you will... And even after all this time he still pursues me with his love... In the simplest of ways...
This past weekend, we did the dishes together... and I was in love...