Friday, February 20, 2009

Hiding God's Word In Little Hearts...

For Christmas we got the kids a book called My ABC Bible Verses to help them begin to learn some verses... I HAVE BEEN BLOWN AWAY by what these kiddos can memorize!! They are only 2 & 3 years old and I guess I just underestimated what they are able to do... This book is AWESOME! It has a verse for each letter of the alphabet and an applicable story to go with each verse... and not only do the kids memorize the verses but they are familiar with the stories as well... more than once I have over heard them pretend playing with one another and they will be talking about "Missy and Bill," the characters in the story... and they will be talking with each other about how they could have handled a situation better, or about how to speak more kindly... What in the world??? I mean, Seriously... just watching all the things that my kids soak up is even more proof to me that God exists, and that He is alive and well... The things that you feel like they will never learn, by God's grace and amazing power, really do manage to sink in every once in awhile... :) And I know for a fact that it's not because I am a perfect mom... In fact on the days that I am failing the most, the Lord gives me these little (or not so little) gifts, and reminds me that the race is sooo worth running!

I sometimes feel kinda corny writing about this kind of stuff... But when I see my kids learning how to recall God's word in situations that they find themselves it just overwhelms me in the most wonderful way...

You see I didn't grow up knowing God's word, I didn't really even know Christ until I was a teenager... We went to church... and I was even in the church choir... But we rarely talked about God or the Bible at home until I was older... So to me knowing God's word at such a young age is in many ways foreign... I didn't know where to start, or what verses to pick, or even how to go about helping them to learn each verse... But the greatest part of it all is that even if I feel at a loss and like I am totally starting from scratch (and without a recipe to even help me to begin), The Lord himself is faithful in "hiding His Word in their hearts so that they might not sin against him." (Psalm 119:11) The things that I feel incapable in, he is MORE than capable to bring to completion!

So here is a little video of the six verses that we have learned so far... I let Siah go first cuz you can understand him a little bit more...

Below is Hal... The truth is that I haven't really practiced with her... I just let her listen in when I practice with Josiah... (cuz I thought that she was too young to memorize verses)...Then a couple days ago she asked to say her verses and it turned out that she knew almost every single one... I was SOOO wrong!!! I keep finding myself underestimating them... shame on me. :) Anyways, here she is... Sorry, she's a little hard to understand :)