It's not what you might think... I've done it before... Somewhere inside my mind I should know that it's going to be ok... I'm not so sure why I get this pit in my stomach every time the thought of having to do it again crosses my mind... As dramatic as it sounds I must confess that I sometimes feel on the verge of vomiting just knowing that I can't avoid it for much longer...
She's ready... In fact she's been ready for months now... but I haven't been ready... Now the time has come... I can no longer make excuses, for me or for her...
She's ready... In fact she's been ready for months now... but I haven't been ready... Now the time has come... I can no longer make excuses, for me or for her...

Halee peepees in the potty ALL BY HERSELF!!!
It's strange how potty training Hal this week has grown me as a person... The Lord gave me great patience with Hal this week... I know it was the Lord because there was NO WAY that I could have mustered up that level of patience on my own... It was a much different experience with Hal than it was with Josiah... I was in tears most of the time with Josiah and I often found myself feeling frustrated, more at myself than with him, at the fact that I felt at a loss so much of the time... But I can say that this time around I did not shed a single tear... And we took things one accident at a time... And after a day and half she got it... and has been accident free since Saturday!!!
It's strange how the things that I dread are often the things that I feel most triumphant about once I muster up the courage to do them...
There's this verse in 1 Corinthians... "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." I am 100% aware of the fact that I am taking this verse out of context... I know that it has nothing to do with potty training... But I was thinking about it all week... This potty training thing was a family affair... Every time she had an accident she would cry and my heart would sink... When she was successful Josaih would jump up and down and cheer and clap... and not because we told him to but because he was genuinely stoked for his sister! It was so cool!! We are a family yes, but everyday we have the opportunity to be "the body of Christ" towards one another to...
Potty training was a fear that has turned into a TRIUMPH!!!!
Check out my ROCKSTAR!!!!!! Lovin you more and more each second my sweet Hal!!!!
It's strange how potty training Hal this week has grown me as a person... The Lord gave me great patience with Hal this week... I know it was the Lord because there was NO WAY that I could have mustered up that level of patience on my own... It was a much different experience with Hal than it was with Josiah... I was in tears most of the time with Josiah and I often found myself feeling frustrated, more at myself than with him, at the fact that I felt at a loss so much of the time... But I can say that this time around I did not shed a single tear... And we took things one accident at a time... And after a day and half she got it... and has been accident free since Saturday!!!
It's strange how the things that I dread are often the things that I feel most triumphant about once I muster up the courage to do them...
There's this verse in 1 Corinthians... "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." I am 100% aware of the fact that I am taking this verse out of context... I know that it has nothing to do with potty training... But I was thinking about it all week... This potty training thing was a family affair... Every time she had an accident she would cry and my heart would sink... When she was successful Josaih would jump up and down and cheer and clap... and not because we told him to but because he was genuinely stoked for his sister! It was so cool!! We are a family yes, but everyday we have the opportunity to be "the body of Christ" towards one another to...
Potty training was a fear that has turned into a TRIUMPH!!!!