I know Josiah and Hal are thankful for juice... It's a special treat around here so when you mention the word JUCIE the kids start jumping up and down and they get this really funny excited face... I will try to get it on video soon.. Hal especially, has funny faces and expressions when she's excited about something :)
I know I'm her mom but i just think she is so beautiful!!!! :)
I think about posting often but then before I know it it's 15 days later and everytime i look at our site it's still that surf competition...
We've spent most of the past two weeks at home in our backyard... we have a mini swimming pool and the kids love to play with the chalk and write all over the ground... they have bikes and balls and oh my goodness... I remember there was a day before I had kids that there wasn't a single ball or book or toy truck to be found in our home... and now I look around my house and it looks like we have opened a Toys R Us in our back yard... and the craziest part about it is that 99% of it we have been given by people who love to love on our kids... it's amazing how God gives to us above and beyond anything that we ever could have thought up on our own... I am thankful...
I have been thinking a lot about thankfulness lately... I want my kiddos to be thankful people... not because I tell them to say "thank you" all the time but in their heart of hearts I would love to witness thankfulness in them... I recently listented to a podcast online of a mother speaking on the very topic of thankfulness and she said something along the lines of, " your children will learn thankfulness when they see it radiate out your life"... so this past week I tried it... I started to speak outloud, around josiah and Hal, things that I am thankful for... when we were in the grocery store I told how thankful I was that we were able to buy the food that we needed to grow big and strong... Every night when Papa got home I told them how thankful I was that papa was home and that we were able to spend time with him and that he worked so hard so that we could have the things that we need, and that he loves on all of us soo much... when we were driving i talked about being thankful for the friends we were going to see and for the gas in our car that allowed us to drive to those friends houses (and at $4 a gallon I TRULY am GRATEFUL)...
All this to say, yesterday josiah started picking up on it... after lunch he got down from the table took his plate to the sink and came up to me and hugged me and said, "thank you mommy, thank you for me's lunch." Then that afternoon while he and hal were playing I heard him thank her several times for letting him play with her and with certain toys...
I know that doesn't sound like that big of a deal but it amazed me how quickly his heart began to change in just a few short days... And for that change, I AM THANKFUL :)