Today was so beautiful and sunny... we ate lunch outside at the kids table... Josiah said that there was to much sun for his eyes and he couldn't eat his lunch without his sunglasses... So of course then Halee couldn't eat her lunch without her sunglasses... Then they both told me that i couldn't eat my lunch without my lunch without my sunglasses... Five minutes later we found everyone's sunglasses and we finally ate our lunch in the beautiful sunshine....
Later we drew on the patio with chalk and Josiah asked me to take a picture so that he could show Aunt Kristin his art... So I posted a few pictures of his drawings for Aunt Kristin :)
Just a side story...
Halee hurt her head today and Siah was so sweet, he said the funniest thing to Joey and I while we were trying to comfort Halee... we couldn't get her to stop crying and he said, "don't worry, I kiss her all over her BIG head and she be better".... Ok, maybe it's not that funny but for some reason i thought it was hilarious. And sometimes when I'm pregnant this funny thing happens to me and I get the giggles and I can't stop... and most of the time it's over something that wasn't really that funny to begin with... So when Josiah said that, I couldn't stop laughing, which makes Joey laugh, which makes the kids laugh... It's so fun to laugh with my little family :)
Anyways, it was a good day... Thank you Lord for the little things that bring joy into my life :)