I was just looking back this week at how much my kids have changed since we moved to the farm. In the 6 years we've been here, we have doubled our tribe.
{New born Jed in the stroller 6 years ago at the pumpkin patch...The year Jed was born, Siah started kindergarten. It was the same year we moved to the farm.)
(Little Shiloh Faithy in the stroller now.)

{Jed, then & now.}
(The Spunky Girl 6 years ago. Short, with the most adorable cheeks. )
(The Spunky Girl now. Tall & lanky with the same big brown eyes & wispy hair.)

One year ago on this very field of pumpkins, this little squish was in my tummy. Now she's almost ONE!
(6 years ago)
{One year ago...}
"Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the ONE who is leading." Oswald Chambers
How very very true.
As hard as it can be to take that first scary step, I have never once regretted leaving comfort for courage.
Because when we leave comfort for courage, we get to really know what it's like to live so intimately with such a faithful God.
I love that.