When you have five treasures, you don't always get a lot of one on one time with each kid. Last year my Siah got to go on a trip with his Gramps and his Papa to Louisiana and he loved it. It was such a sweet time for just the boys.
Then the Cowboy and I started talking one night and decided that each time one of us goes on a special trip to somewhere, we should take one of the kids with us.
So this past weekend my Hal and I spent the weekend in CA together and I loved every minute of it!
It was Hal's first flight that she remembers (she went on a few planes when she was really little.) She was so excited she litterally took pictures of EVERYTHING, so that she could show her siblings what the airport was like when she got home. It was so much fun watching her soak up every little thing.
The reason we went to CA was to visit my precious friend Mindy who just had her third little treasure. Each time I have a baby she always comes for a few days and helps me with laundry and cooking and kids and life. And I was so looking forward to going out and loving on her and her family for a few days. :)
We went to the beach one day and my absolute favorite moment of that whole day was watching Hal run in the water. She ran into the waves alone and had her hands up in the air. She was splashing and laughing and I think I just might have that picture forever etched in my mind.

Aunt Mindy blessed us all with pedicures. Hal got 2 different shades of purple with a flower on top. And I got red like I always do, in memory of my mom, who ALWAYS got red. It was so restful and such a treat.
When we got home our whole family was taking a walk and my Hal stuck right next to me. We were just walking quietly when she turned to me and said with a little tear in her eye, "Mama, I really like spending time with you." We stopped walking and I picked her long, lanky body up and held her close. "I really like spending time with you too sweet girl."
It's crazy how including our kids in things we're already doing can draw us closer to each other. Hal and I didn't have any life-changing conversations or anything like that. we just gave each other our time. And in that simple exchange our relationship grew. Since we've been home, her and I have been buddies__ cooking together and working together on our daily chores. She really is one of the most incredible little girls I have ever had the privilege of spending time with. I knew that before our trip to CA. I think now I've just been more mindful of how the little things grow our relationships with our children.
And as for Aunt Mindy__ She truly is one of the best Mama's I know. Hal cried almost the entire plane ride home. She was sad to leave CA & Aunt Mindy and her Mindy's girls. I asked her what she liked about Aunt Mindy and she said,"she's just soo kind. And she's so fun. And she's helpful and a good Mama." All soo true!!!!

I'm thankful for my Joey who bought us tickets and stayed home with the other four treasures so that Hal and I could spend four glorious days away. I'm thankful for Mindy and Jason who made us feel so at home. I'm thankful for all the sunshine and good food and memories made on a weekend away with my Hal.