Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Joy of Adoration {Christmas In The Ordinary}

The psalmist says, "And I will look up, "

I want to say yes to this with my minutes...

So I look up.

I take a passage of scripture that speaks a truth about God and I repeat those words back to Him. I let my mind clear a space in my heart to receive. He writes back and reminds me of the times when I've seen this very truth activated in my life.

I praise Him more for that reminder.

I wait.

I listen.

Pray back.

Speak back.

Sing back.

Write back.

And when I look up... I see up.

I fix my eyes on who He is instead of what I'm not.

As I blow-dry my hair or go to the gym or step on another Lego, my thoughts linger on His beauty, not on my lack. 

I'm learning to behold something other than myself... Because you become what you behold.

I still trip over toys that creep out of their keeping places and my eye fixes on the pile of crumbs that my broom missed last night. My glass count is still slowly diminishing as slippery hands learn to unload the dishwasher. I sometimes walk by the mirror and glimpse greasy fingerprints on my shirt, lunch's leftovers on me. I still crave quiet mornings alone even as I welcome chatter and footsteps from our full bedrooms.

The muss still speaks loudly in our home.

But God is showing me that His aroma can rise out of and even over the chaos. 

His word is seeping into my heart as I scrub the dishes.

Thoughts of His nature quicken my pulse when I am still in sweatpants, while the children chat over breakfast clean up or lunch preparation.

Adoration is working it's way into my thought life, here.

His word and His whisper are becoming central to everything.


On Monday morning we sat around the farm table and made a list. A list of all the gifts we've already received, of all the gifts that He's already giving.

There are pieces of chalk that sit on the ledge above the glitter tinsel that borders our chalk board this Christmas season. The kids and I have been spending our days thinking upon all the best gifts... the ones we already have... the ones we'll have for always, and adding them to the list.

"But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge..." Psalm 141:8

Lord fix my eyes on You, instead of what I am not. 

What You ARE...

You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. (Exodus 34)

You fight for me and give me victory. Deuteronomy 20:4

You are with me wherever I go. Joshua 1:8

You are the lover of my soul. Pslam 31:7

You crown me with steadfast love and mercy. Psalm 103 {I've been thinking upon this one the most... how can one think upon this and not feel joy?}

You are trustworthy, right, radiant, pure, sure, and more precious than gold...{Read this one this morning... 12/10... Psalm 19}

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
    be pleasing in your sight,
    Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

{I hope to keep adding to this list all month long.}

Spending our days in adoration of LOVE come down... The best way to soak up Christmas in the ordinary. :)

*Some of the above thoughts are from this lovely little treasure... *