This letter is for those days... Keep it by your bed, in your pocket, somewhere where you can read it often... It's the truest of true... and on the days when your Mama is floundering, please chose to believe these words above my foolishness.}
Dear Siah, Hal, Reese, Jed, & Solomon,
I delight in you.
I truly enjoy being around you.
I'm eternally grateful for you.
I learn so much from you.
I think your handsome and beautiful.
I long to speak words that make your souls stronger.
I cherish the things you have to say and love listening to you.
There is nothing you can ever do to make me love you less... nothing.
I'm thankful that our home is a place of grace, that even though we fail one another, forgiveness flows freely here.
I believe the Lord is mightly at work in you and me.
It's a privilege to be your Mama. A true, deep privilege.
Even on the hard days tell your heart this...
You are all lovely and loved... EXTRAVAGANTLY loved!
Know this. Believe this. Read this letter until your heart has no doubt.
Love you to the moon and back,
Your Mama
{I printed this letter out and read it to the treasures. They each have it pinned on the wall next to their beds. Lord may they remember the good days more than the not so good days... Help me daily to truly delight in them.}