"Because all motherhood exists for Jesus, all motherhood should be in the way of Jesus. In our obedience to the Great Commission, every woman must look to the man who is ruling from heaven at the right hand of God. Christ himself puts people in our household and in our sphere of influence, and we rest well knowing that it is the Lord who builds the house. It is God himself who grows the garden even as we diligently plant and water. By God's grace we can serve people__husband, child, neighbor, co-worker, whomever__because Jesus is sovereign, and he is building his church.
Jesus is the one who redeems people for his own possession. This truth assures us that this work will be effective. We are free from laying claim to any fruit of our mothering labors as if they came from us, and we are free from the fear-mongering, workaholic mothering that thinks everything is up to us. {WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!}
We nurture others with strength God supplies (1 Peter 4:10-11). All that energy__the care-giving and discipling and serving and multitasking__ is HIS energy. Everything we lack is found in Him. And when we're exhausted, when we feel the dusty earth of the Calvary Road we can remember that it's especially then that the life of Jesus is manifested in us (2 Corinthians 4:10). It's then that Jesus gives us more of himself, proving over and over that he is enough, that he is good, that there is more joy in him than in the grain and wine that abound (psalm 4:7)__or in the kids that never make messes and the dinner that prepares itself and the schedules that operate seamlessly. He_is_better! {Yes, yes, yes!!!}
We need childlike faith to raise up the Lord's children__faith that he is glad to give us. The life of Christ in us is our empowering, equipping, unleashing energy from nurturing others. It is the strength that gives us what we need in order to nurture life in the face of death, even through the million deaths-to-self we die each day. We need to remember that the little blueberry-sized fruits borne by the Holy Spirit are part and parcel to his kingdom.
There is no way a finite, nurturing heart can hold all of these things, but Jesus can, Jesus does, Jesus will."
I put in bold print all the times that she reminded me that it_is_GOD who does in me what needs doing as a Mama.
It's HIM!
Like she said, we diligently participate, but really Jesus is the one who supplies all that I need.
Jesus is the one who gives the energy, the strength, the wisdom, the patience, the ability we have to serve others joyfully... it_all_comes_ from_HIM!!! YEEHAH!!!
{The two newest additions to the farmhouse}
I mean seriously...
Why do I not rest here more often?
Jesus has got my kids AND Jesus has me as I raise my kids.
So let's rest here this year as we do this mothering gift?
Let's read this exert everyday if need be... and in this household, there is a need be. :)
Thankful for energy, thankful for strength, thankful for hope...
Thankful for Jesus that He really does supply all that I need, always.