Our Siah is 9!!
He truly is my delight.
He has a heart for God's Word that blows my socks off.
He's the kid that puts himself to bed and reads his Action Bible each night by flashlight under the covers.
He's the kid that asks the neighbors if they have any jobs he can do to earn money.
He's the kid that makes sure the little kids have their coats when we're walking out the door.
He rides his go-cart nearly everyday.
He's growing into a man, but he still likes to cuddle up next to his Mama on the couch.
He asks a million questions everyday, more than half I don't know the answer to so I taught him how to use Google.
He's tender towards his siblings.
He's smart and funny and a true joy to be around.
I love this kid... I mean really, really love him.
{His great friend Cam has a birthday a few days before Siah so they enjoy celebrating together each year. This year they played laser tag and had a sleepover with their other little friend AJ.}
{On the kids birthdays they get to pick what they want for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and they do't have to do any chores all day long.}
{Solomon had his first chocolate chip pancake... He's number five and yes, he's 8 months old and eats chocolate chip pancakes. :) He didn't seem to upset about it. :)}
{This year the girls wanted to make their brother's cake, and their brother wanted an ice cream sandwich cake. I'd never seen or heard of such a cake so we just made it up with the help of a friend. :) And the Charmer... well, he came into the kitchen just in time to lick the whipped cream (cuz none of my kids like icing) right out of the bowl.}
{And what 9-year-old birthday wouldn't be complete without a potato cannon to shoot potatoes across the farm fields??}
My Siah, I will never forget the day you were born.
When your older brothers were born, the room was silent and our arms were empty, and the Lord took them home before we even had a chance to meet.
Your Papa and I prayed for you like crazy people.
We were desperate to meet you, to hold you, to hear you breath.
I'll never forget the way the room filled with your voice. I'll never forget the way you felt in my arms, the way your chest moved up and down. You were alive and perfect and you were mine. And now, even on the hard days, when we are having trouble understanding one another, I never forget for a moment what a gift you are my Siah.
When your older brothers were born, the room was silent and our arms were empty, and the Lord took them home before we even had a chance to meet.
Your Papa and I prayed for you like crazy people.
We were desperate to meet you, to hold you, to hear you breath.
I'll never forget the way the room filled with your voice. I'll never forget the way you felt in my arms, the way your chest moved up and down. You were alive and perfect and you were mine. And now, even on the hard days, when we are having trouble understanding one another, I never forget for a moment what a gift you are my Siah.
Happy 9th birthday sweetness!
Love you to the moon and back.