Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas & Candy Canes

Each year a few friends come over on a Saturday night a few weeks before Christmas. 
All the kiddos come in their pajamas. 
There's hot chocolate in the kitchen and a fire going strong in the pellet stove.  

 The Cowboy is one spiffy story teller, so he got the job of reading our Candy Cane Story. We push the couches back and the kiddos gather close on blankets sprawled out across the farmhouse family room floor. We read, and kids whisper and giggle and bounce and tap, because it's hard to be a kiddo and listen to an entire story after being infused with a tall glass of chocolate goodness. :)

We wrap up our night with a family activity and our biggest boy prays for a Christmas season filled with Christ... Love that sweet boy of ours and his brave, innocent heart for Jesus.
our annual Candy Cane Party is just a simple fun way to help a bunch of amazing treasures be captivated by the greatest gift of Christmas, Jesus. 

Hooray for Candy Cane Parties and Jesus-loving friends. :) 
And Hooray for the littlest man who almost always has one sock on and one sock off... it's just the way we role around here. :)